Work in Progress
Matching Models in Economics
with Climent Quintana-Domeque and Ye Yuan
Invited contribution to the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and FinanceInformation Cascades in Strategic Environments
with Wade Hann-CaruthersSchedule Optimization and Teacher Allocation Frictions
with Alvaro Carril
Working Papers
Managing Congestion in Two-Sided Platforms: The Case of Online Rentals
with Caterina Calsamiglia, Laura Doval and Matt Shum
pdf | arxivAn Experimental Study of Decentralized Matching
with Federico Echenique and Leeat Yariv
Conditionally accepted at Quantitative Economics
pdf | arxivWho Gets Placed Where and Why? An Empirical Framework for Foster Care Placement
pdf | slides
Executive compensation and competitive pressure in the product market: How does firm entry shape managerial incentives?
with Kaniska Dam
Mathematical Social Sciences, 106: 60–77 (July 2020)
doi | pdf